The exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar has fallen to 0.98, and is it really ready for Russia’s “hard touch” EU?

According to the EU’s internal documents released by EL País, the European Commission has proposed that since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the strongest measures for Russia’s energy, that is, the introduction of restrictions on Russia’s natural gas imports. Buy Russia.

Experts believe that “this will reduce the attractiveness of Russia through interruption or manipulating the market,” which in turn “will help restrict the volatility and uncertainty of the natural gas market.” And Russia is not willing to show weakness, and announced that the Beixi natural gas pipeline was closed indefinitely and stopped supplying natural gas in Europe. The EU and Russia’s actions are different from the previous “tentatives”, but the real “hard and rigid”. The European Union wants to fully restrict Russia’s energy revenue, while Russia directly holds the European “energy” throat.

After Russia announced that it had stopped supplying natural gas indefinitely, the euro fell to a new 20 -year low on Monday, and the exchange rate against the US dollar reached 1 to 0.98. The price of the European energy market has soared, of which the benchmark European contract Dutch TTF natural gas futures prices rose 30%. Russia’s response to EU restricting energy prices is immediate.

What is even more worrying is that the rise in energy will inevitably cause inflation to continue to deteriorate, and recently, the EU’s inflation rate has set the highest record in 25 years -9.1%. The European Central Bank will have to continue to raise interest rates to suppress inflation, and the consequences that are caused by this is that the value of the euro has further declined and the economic recession has intensified. On the other hand, although the EU countries have launched various energy conservation policies and actively imported energy from the United States and Asia, whether in terms of cost or volume, it cannot fill the deficit that Russia’s energy stayed, and get rid of the shortage of Russia’s energy and get rid of the loss of Russia’s energy and get rid of the loss of Russia’s energy and get rid of the loss of Russia’s energy and get rid of the loss of Russia’s energy and get rid of it. The goal of Russia’s energy dependence is still out of reach. At present, this kind of scorched situation makes people can’t help but ask. Are the European Union really ready?

The European Union and Russia’s positive “rigidity” this time, Russian measures have had an impact, and the European Union’s restrictions on prices still have to be observed. To be sure, this time a positive collision will have a profound impact on European economic and social production.

Post time: Sep-06-2022